Episode 4 – Captain Obvious

In this edition, the top news starts with; In a moment of triumph, the AGI Laboratories AI engineering team was glad to see elements of machine learning tools, that certain un-named team members worked on previously, go live in Microsoft’s Windows AI Platform. Admittedly doing better in terms of usefulness, Microsoft’s machine learning platform in Azure is currently the best in market where differentiating features are minor overall.  


In related news, incremental changes like this in services that componentize AI has allowed for a wider set of consumers of AI systems; lowering the bar for AI usage in machine learning tasks.

AI Projects No Longer Require a Professional Developer’s Touch

In an effort to make better use of cryptocurrency, we have finally found a reliable way to make money; by selling crypto currency mining rigs as home heaters.


In a brief flash of unwarranted optimism, IEEE studied millennials and their attitudes towards AI and suggests a bright career field if we can address security. Apparently, the authors are ‘not’ aware of what a millennial is; let alone a normal millennial’s ability to do work in AI…


Captain Obvious Announced, ‘Tech companies should stop pretending AI won’t destroy jobs…’


Captain Obvious continued to focus on the accuracy of accuracy in AI related conversations, going to all the misconceptions floating around, we were aghast in such a shocking surprise.

We need to improve the accuracy of AI accuracy discussions

Speaking of talk, there is a lot of discourse on the internet about various utopian projects that are revisiting the failures the past and seem to have not learned their lesson. One hot topic seems to be about the new ‘me too’ announcement that Saudi Arabia is planning on building a Desert utopian futurist city, in the Desert… this is of course better then every other try to date… While we wish this project success, it is unclear if it will be, given the failure of every other project of this nature… ever…

Lastly, the Singularity Index or S.I. is up slightly at 1018.61, crawling higher among lower indexes generally.

As always, thanks for listening to the news of the day on “The Technocracy”.

And a special thanks to our Sponsors, Artificial General Intelligence, A.K.A AGI Laboratory, and The Foundation and our other sponsors.

David J Kelley

Marquiz Woods

Arnold Sylvester

Content Production and Executive Producer
Artificial General Intelligence Laboratory

Systems Engineer Team
Mark Waser
David J Kelley
Arnold Sylvester

AGI Laboratory
Mark Waser
Amon Twyman
David J Kelley
The Foundation

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